Sunday, 10 June 2012


A four letter word,yet  owns the whole kit and caboodle. 
The most authoritative and communicative word indeed.
The way we live it, merely depends on us. It is us who either make it trouble-free or troublesome. Each day brings new challenges,tests, task and encounters  but to deal with it tactfully is the key !
We might not get everything we desire but whatever we get, its an onus to enjoy it.

Live a meaningful life..

We always hear this term but we usually don’t extract the significance out of it..
I read something about a meaning ful life,I don’t actually remember  the words but it was something like..
Meaning is not something you stumble across,like the answer to a riddle or the prize in a treasure hunt. Meaning is something you build into your life.You build it out of your own past,out of your affections and loyalities,out of the experience of others as it is passed on to you,out of your own talent and understanding,out of the things you believed in,out of the things and people you love,out of the values for which you are willing to sacrifice something .Just implement these things in your life.Let it be a life you always wanted it to be, a life which is full of dignity and meaning , cuz if it does..It is a successful life for sure !

Choose your attitude..

 The way you accomplish your tasks decide whether or not your going to make it.
They say there might me luck in getting a god job,but there is no luck in keeping it.
I believe that there is always a choice about the way you do work,even if there is not a choice about the work itself.
Be pleasant to others..
I have a story to share , a story with a message i want to give..
There lived a struggling guy in lahore ( city of Pakistan).He could not get a good job,because of the less job opportunities and no job experience. He was doing a mediocre average paid job,good enough to fulfill his livings and expenditures . He  was a bachelor though.. he used to jog in a near by park every evening. He had a trick or call it a habbit that he used to greet everyone who comes encounter with him,with a smile .
During the jog,he always crossed  a foreigner . They never spoke to each other, but only had the smiling relation. Months passed by,and he could not get any better job. One of his friends suggested that he should apply for visa and go out to America or maybe Canada because there are more job opportunities available. He considered that opinion worth giving a try and thus,applied for visa. As he entered the embassy . he stood stunned  as the same “jog companion” was there.Actually the jog companion was the interrogator,.  He asked him the reason that why he was there, and he got his visa confirmed in a short span of time. All the formalities and documentations were cancelled by the foreigner and the applicant was sitting in Canada just in a month. He got a job there and worked day and night. And now he is an owner of a firm there. He says "i never gave up really,hard times did come to me but i was determined, sometimes i thought i should just back off but i still managed to relax. And now im sitting where people dream to be" .

Positivity , optimism and Sanguinity are only beneficial for us.




  1. Hey do write your post title. That way it's easier to track down blog history.
    And i like your choice of words.
    Nice story at the end :D

    1. Suggestion taken,i shall do it now onwards :)
      thank you lubaina , its quite motivating :D
      my dad told me ^^ :)
